Consequences of genetic enhancement of children
April 10th, 2024
Ives Parr is interested in the effects of genetic enhancement of children, which does seem likely to be a thing pretty soon, since the technology seems to be available, at least some parents clearly want to do it, and some jurisdiction or other in the world (Thailand? Singapore? The Philippines?) seems likely to allow it. That’s enough for it to start happening.
I think Parr’s thoughts miss what seem to me the most interesting potential consequences:
1 – As people get smarter, the way they think may change.
My personal observation has been that people with highish IQs (~115 to 135) are more leftist than most. It’s not clear to me if the same is true of people with extremely high IQs (> 140).
Given that leftist societies tend to collapse, I wonder about the social consequences of rising median population IQs.
(I may be just conflating education effects with intelligence effects, in which case nevermind.)
2 – More important, this is a first step down a path of recursive genetic modification. We’ve some idea of how we’d change our children, if we could. We have less idea of how those children – different from us – will choose to change their own children, etc. down the generations. The path seems unpredictable, potentially chaotic, and may lead to extinction.
I don’t think we have any good reason to think that after 5 or 10 generations of such changes, the result will look anything at all like present humans.
(This is similar to the “AI explosion” recursive improvement argument.)
Added 2025-01-06: I’ve just discovered that C. S. Lewis made a very similar argument in The Abolition of Man (1943). I’m still parsing this…
April 10th, 2024 at 8:15 pm
Saying that people with higher IQs tend to be leftist, and that leftist societies tend to collapse, is fraught with issues.
IQ is well-defined by a test (even though we can debate what, exactly, the test is measuring). But are high IQs really associated with leftism? All of leftism, or just certain aspects of it? Is it associated with the policies, or is it a social club like the Unitarians? Would the same association be true 100 or 200 years ago (i.e. is there an inherent association between IQ and certain policies, or is it a cultural thing that changes from place to place and time to time)?
What is “leftism”? Is the leftism associated with high IQs, the same as the leftism in societies that collapse?
Do leftist societies really tend to collapse more than rightist societies? Is Nazism really right and the USSR really left? Are we talking about left and right based on the extremely flawed left-right spectrum, or the slightly less flawed Nolan Chart?